Georgia Gardner Gray
Christmas Market, 2019
Oil and acrylic on canvas
135 x 210cm
About Georgia Gardner Gray
Georgia Gardner Gray’s large paintings are an iridescently eclectic investigation of the female gaze, rebellion and freedom. Presented in unexpected shapes and orientations, her canvases depict dreamy personas amidst the bright but melancholic hues. The artist’s paintary skill is reminiscent of early 20th century French masters, however, her works could not be more contemporary. Gray’s subjects exist within the brutal hierarchy of the public and the private, the digital and the physical: they strive to gain control which escapes them. Her works refuse the established rules and norms of societal elite and give space to punks and vagabonds, indulgence and unadulterated expression. At the same time, a hint of anxiety and loneliness can be traced through her paintings. The artist’s practice continuously recontextualizes and defamiliarises the self and its surroundings, however, in such a pursuit, it resonates with its audience on the most intimate level.