Sara Naim
Waves/Pain/Tingling/Pleasure/Heaviness/Heat, 2019
inkjet print on fine art paper, plexiglass, wood
151.4 x 63.8cm
About Sara Naim
Sara Naim’s practice not only blurs, but explores the very nature of boundaries, establishing such thresholds – such as those that separate countries and states, or the membrane between the human and the digital– as nodes charged with the potential for interconnectedness and nondualism rather than for severing and detachment. Naim carries out her investigation by creating works that are nonbinary in medium; macro and microphotographs are presented as fragmented sculptures, works that seem to possess the roughness and topography of sculpture are actually photographic. The ‘glitches’ in technology that Naim encourages, like, for example leaking light in photography, directly relate to human reactions, or physical manifestations of emotion, such as sweating, blushing, tensing. In fact, many works are named after such reactions. These unmediated ‘glitches’, although perhaps considered a fault or taboo, often reveal the most about our human nature.