Thibaut Bouedjoro-Camus
Embrassade, 2021
tempera and oil on Korhogo canvas
81 x 65cm
About Thibaut Bouedjoro-Camus
Born in 1996 in Reims, Thibaut Bouedjoro-Camus now lives and works in Paris.
A graduate of the Beaux-Arts de Paris in 2021, Thibaut Bouedjoro-Camus proposes a sensitive, poetic plastic writing, where the materiality of the paint and the figuration of the forms come to suggest the invisible, that which is not given to the eye but is guessed at by the senses.
Whether they represent scenes from daily life, childhood memories, imagined moments, or are traces of an emotion left by a film or an artistic work, the paintings of Thibaut Bouedjoro-Camus resonate with each other and create a mesh of echoes, memories and sensations in which the viewer finds himself caught - and seeks to be caught. For the sensory experience that the artist proposes takes us out of the rigidity of appearances and allows us to grasp a tremor, to glimpse the cracks in our initial ideas in order to reach a freer movement, that of intuition perhaps, of the sensitive certainly.