Sean Steadman
Infant, 2018
oil on canvas
120 x 95 x 4cm
About Sean Steadman
Sean Steadman’s paintings depict constructed and intermingling shapes that appear mechanical, organic, structural and chaotic. They are abstract in their objectivity, however, to the question of “what is this?”, they propose answers full of subjective impressions. The insides of a human body or a machine, elements of a staircase or a spaceship, pores or gateways; whatever those spaces may be, they vividly swirl from inside out and vice versa. Steadman's work is hypnotic in its maze-like absence of beginning and end. The lack of centre or foundation directly affects the sense of orientation of the artist's audience. Thus, the distorted identification of the colourful and flowing logic of Steadman’s paintings reorients the focus directly onto the viewer, seducing them to test the limits of human perception.