Ghislaine Leung
385cm/600cm, 2021
materials variable
About Ghislaine Leung
Ghislaine Leung’s practice is an ambiguous and playful intervention to gallery settings, institutional structures, and her audience’s senses. Working in installation, sound and film, she eloquently places found and unexpected objects within galleries and museums, thereby unlocking alternative and hidden spaces within spaces. Accordingly, her practice internalises everything that comes into contact with her physical works in ways which disbalance the normative perception of art-making and gallery-experience. This is reminiscent of conceptual art's tradition for being context-driven rather than site–specific. Leung’s installations create relations of physically subtle, yet conceptually saturated inner-politics that dwell on notions of resistance, critique and ideology. Her inflated, bought from the Internet forms, little houses, films without sound, sounds without bodies are alienating yet draw us closer.