Sam Keogh
Untitled, 2022
performance with plaster, mica, food colouring, tarp and found liquid
About Sam Keogh
Sam Keogh’s work spans installation, performance and drawing. He builds fictional, physical worlds from collaged scraps and found objects, painting and stitching together detailed and colourful tapestries utilising diverse materials. Keogh uses these constructed sites as pupae for his metamorphic, metaphysical performances, which require the amassing of flotsam and jetsam such as beer bottles, apple cores, and toilet cleaner. Blurring the line between mundane objects and props elevated to artwork, the artist casts these items as assembled detritus from his speculative universe. Keogh’s anarchic performances are inherently political acts of protest and refusal, which involve research into, and immersion within notions such as biology, archaeology, colonialism and science fiction.