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Gulay Semercioglu

Pure as Gold, 2013

wire, screw, wood
About Gulay Semercioglu
Gulay Semercioglu, b.1968, Istanbul, lives and works in Istanbul, Turkey Major exhibitions include; Desire to Survive, Pi Artworks, İstanbul, Turkey (2019). Artist In Their Time, Istanbul Modern, Istanbul, Turkey The Power of Form, Istanbul, Turkey (2016); The Woman on the Wire (solo), Pi Artworks London, UK (2015); Sublime Porte: An Exhibition of Contemporary Turkish Art, Dr. M. T. Geoffrey Yeh Art Gallery in New York, USA (2013); Variations on Line (solo), Leila Heller Gallery, New York, USA (2012); Dream and Reality, Istanbul Modern, Turkey, (2011); Abbara Kadabra, Mardin Biennial, Turkey (2010); and I stanbul Next Wave, Akademie der Kunste, Berlin, Germany (2009). Major collections holding her work include; The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA; Centene Centre for Arts and Education, Missouri, USA; Quinn Collection, Los Angeles, USA; Cocca Art and Design Institute, Coimbatore, India; RAK Art Foundation Collection, Riffa, Kingdom of Bahrain; The Farjam Foundation, Dubai, UAE; Sheika Fatima Suroor, Abu Dhabi, UAE; Wheelock Collection, Hong Kong; Michael and Saniza Collection, Hong Kong; Him Collection, Singapore; Istanbul Modern, Turkey; and the Papko Art Collection, Istanbul, Turkey.