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Mariah Garnett

The Pow'r of Life is Love, 2021

multi-channel video installation, 4k video, color, sound, 13 min
About Mariah Garnett
Mariah Garnett is principally a moving-image artist, but she also works with watercolours and installation. Labelling herself as an 'experimental documentary filmmaker', Garnett's pieces examine inter-generational relationships, queerness, and cultural mythologies. Garnett creatively rejects any pretence of objectivity by rooting her films in her own subjectivity. Weaving archival footage together with hazy memories and re-enactment, Garnett unravels stable formats of storytelling, with each work revelling in multiple potential truths. Often inserting herself as performer in these moving-image studies, Garnett further investigates her positionality as a queer filmmaker and that particular lineage of artmaking. Discussing the tangential, explorative quality of her methodology, Garnett explains that “I often start with one idea and then as always, it sort of fractures and spirals out from the original thing I’m interested in”. This “spiralling” that Garnett describes affords each piece with deeply personal kernels, whilst the films expand to situate this starting point within the wider context of the contemporary political and ideological landscape. Outside of moving image, Garnett's delicate and observant watercolours tenderly bring domestic scenes into being.