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aaajiao 徐文恺

icon 2020, 2020

Screen printing, chevron board, metal frame, acrylic paint
77 x 90cm
About aaajiao 徐文恺
The artist and activist aaajiao—the online handle of Xu Wenkai—draws on a broad range of languages including sculpture, painting, drawing, multimedia installation, video, sound and design to explore the evolution of the human identity being assimilated by the digital world. Focusing on the experience of the new generation—the native inhabitant of the parallel worlds and saturated realities of the net—aaajiao’s work is a critical investigation into the countless possibilities offered by the digital and the numerous questions raised by this hyper-technologisation. Being the first Chinese artist invited for a solo show at Turin Castello di Rivoli in 2020, aaajiao’s works have been featured in numerous museums worldwide, including, ICA-Institute of Contemporary Arts (Boston), HKW | Haus der Kulturen der Welt (Berlin), HEK | Haus der Elektronischen Kuenste (Basel), How Museum (Shanghai), Turin Castello di Rivoli (Turin), UCCA Center for contemporary Art (Beijing), Yuz Museum (Shanghai), ZKM | Zentrum fuer Kunst und Medientechnologie (Karlsruhe), among others. aaajiao is the artist-in-residence at the Delfina Foundation (London) in 2019, the winner of the Art Sanya Awards 2014 Jury Prize and a nominee for the first edition of OCAT - Pierre Huber Art Prize in 2014.