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James Webb

A series of personal questions addressed to five litres of Nigerian crude oil, 2020

About James Webb
James Webb is an interdisciplinary artist who creates installations that poetically digest themes of faith, deep-time, nature and industry. Working in a minimalist tradition, Webb seeks out peculiar phrases, histories or objects, and puts these references under a microscope in a gallery space. Obscuration is frequently used by Webb to create a sense of revelation. For example, statues might be placed in vitrines made of fluted glass, giving them a fractured, ethereal quality. Neon and sound are also commonly deployed in Webb’s installations, shedding light or amplified sound onto particular subjects. Normative relationships and behaviours are also frequently disrupted by Webb. For example, speakers might interview inanimate objects such as crude oil, and pose questions to this earthly substance. Past projects have also engaged with literature, cinema, advertising and astronomy. What runs as a constant throughout Webb’s work is a palpable sense of curiosity. With an earnestness to greater understand narratives beyond a human perspective. Webb continues to make work which realigns our priorities and unravels cemented tales.