Stefan Tcherepnin
Prophet, 2021
faux fur, faux suede, styrofoam, embroidery thread, plastic, wood
180 x 130cm
About Stefan Tcherepnin
Stefan Tcherepnin is a composer, musician and visual artist. These different roles are brought together in his installations which typically combine sonic elements with sculpture, photography and moving image. Tcherepnin has developed a host of furry stuffed creatures who populate his installations. As characters from the muppets brought into a museum setting, these large figures pose dramatically within dioramas crafted by Tcherepnin, casually operating machinery or watching music videos. Constantly bemused and bewildered by their enlarged googly eyes, these figures demand inspection from viewers. Operating within a distinct sense of satire, these monsters act as mirrors to our everyday actions, humorously revelling in the banal. Drawing on his background in composition and performance, Tcherepnin frequently joins these creatures in the gallery space, working collaboratively with artists such as Richard Aldrich, Anne Imhof and Max Brand, or bands such as Real Rags, Existential Blowfish and Steit to creatively respond to these beings and to provoke further questioning from audiences about who or what dictates our daily lives.