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Supawich Weesapen

The Stump of the System, 2023

oil on canvas
155 x 320cm
About Supawich Weesapen
Supawich Weesapen produces vivid paintings of alluring fluorescence, envisioning the metaphorical possibilities of the digital, sublime, and psychological. Born into the hyper-digital age, the virtual world acts as an inescapable source of inspiration for the artist. His instantly recognizable palette embodies this present influence, making use of saturated RGB colour systems, which he identifies as the subconsciously engrained palette of his generation. While mimicking the effect of a digital screen, Weesapen masterfully utilizes the age-old mediums of oil paint and turpentine, deftly toying with opacity and saturation and nodding to the art historical techniques of chiaroscuro. Constantly investigating the aesthetic and symbolic dimensions of luminosity, Weesapen also looks to astronomical phenomena. He blends the spiritual and scientific, as well as the existing and unknown, freely exploring the unrestrained systems of nature. Weesapen’s writings further compliment his imagined realms, transforming his elusive hallucinations of celestial phenomena and mundane technological objects into glowing digital simulations. The radiance of Weesapen’s paintings—their brightness and their brilliance— limns an image of time, even while demonstrating that time is an illusion.