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Darren Bader

Amazon.com sculpture, 2018

the work has its owner purchase any number of things** from amazon.com*. once all the things are in the owner’s possession, they become a sculpture that is also the work. the owner can organize them as the mood strikes. it’s recommended the things be regarded rather than used. if the owner would like to make an additional sculpture, that additional sculpture becomes the work; the previous sculpture(s) is(/are) no longer the work. in/if making additional sculptures, it’s recommended the owner continue to purchase things in a quantity similar to that of the first sculpture. *any national amazon site, e.g. amazon.in, amazon.co.uk, amazon.mx, amazon.etc, is suitable for the work. multiple amazon sites can be used to purchase things. **nb e.g. a bag of m&ms is 1 thing and 1 thing only, i.e. the m&ms inside the bag can be used, but don’t amount to additional things purchased from amazon.
About Darren Bader
Darren Bader (b. 1978, Bridgeport) lives and works in New York. Darren Bader is a conceptual artist working across a broad range of media. He is known for his experiments with language, misattribution, found objects, and chance. With works that have included gestures like selling money, releasing live goats into a gallery, or a sculpture that has its owner buy every item in an eBay seller’s shop, Bader’s practice considers the processes through which we ascribe value to objects and how they become art. “Contemporary art is by its very nature kind of a tenuous proposition and category,” Bader claims, “I always sense these fault lines, and perhaps I’m overly sensitive to it—perhaps paranoid, I don’t know.”