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Ngo Dinh Bao Chau

Even a dead clock is right twice a day, 2022

12 ceramic blades mounted on bamboo rods, fastened with wicker string on a bed of air-dried white and red clay
About Ngo Dinh Bao Chau
Ngo Dinh Bao Chau has engaged with a diverse array of materials, ranging from sedge mats, steel, and concrete, to trúc chỉ – a type of paper created from the blending of bamboo, corn, and duckweed. Her artistic practice delves into the examination of contemporary life in Vietnam, where she repurposes objects and images to challenge societal dualisms and tensions. Bao Chau appropriates symbols deeply ingrained in collective cultural memory and situates them within an imagined domestic space. Through her multimedia installations, the artist explores the power of repetition and blurs the boundaries between public and private spheres. Through transforming materials and seamlessly, she integrates their materiality into the overarching conceptual framework of her works. She deconstructs ideological modes and their propagation, applying these insights to the realization of her artistic creations. In her print series "Uniform – Wallpaper" (2020), Bao Chau delves into the symbolism of uniformity. Through purposeful repetition, she layers motifs of collective solidarity, drawing inspiration from unions, associations, and groups prevalent in socialist political and educational institutions.