Thea Gvetadze
To Simon Machabeli 03, 2022
oil on paper
24.8 x 32.5cm
About Thea Gvetadze
Thea Gvetadze's work is always deeply personal yet transcends the simple individual; her drawings, wooden, ceramic and textile objects dematerialise into transcendent layers that speak to universal concerns such as the ambiguities of identity and one's place in the world. In Gvetadze's artistic study, Being is seen through plenitude rather than lack. Gvetadze strives to prove that life, despite all grave circumstances, always preserves sites where the potential of its blessing is maintained. The artist reveres life as a gift and insists that as long as art has the capacity to elevate things, it must do so in order to at least draft the realm where things and creatures can be revered and redeemed.