Mariam Abouzid Souali
For Bread Alone, 2022
acrylique sur toile
230 x 199cm
About Mariam Abouzid Souali
Mariam Abouzid Souali's works plunge us into a universe linked to childhood: that of play. Alone or in groups, the artist's childlike figures evolve in landscapes of familiar architecture, yet always imbued with a disturbing strangeness.Motorway interchanges, mining fields, industrial ports seem to take on a new meaning through the cohabitation with those beings who are normally absent from them: children.The juxtaposition between these two worlds, the world of childhood play that the artist links to the rural world, and the world of liberal globalisation, allows Mariam Abouzid Souali to weave sensitive links and leads us to question the function of our multi-speed world, its inequalities of development and the destruction caused by the frantic race for development.