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Brittney Leeanne Williams

Dream Interpretation 9, 2023

oil on panel
76.2 x 76.2cm
About Brittney Leeanne Williams
Williams focuses on the body as her primary subject. Her works depict human-like forms in a state of transformation, with bodies contorted and shaped in unusual ways—figures entangled in draperies, all subject to unseen pressures or forces that extend beyond the visible. These figures twist and knot themselves into emotional compositions, enduring complex physical manoeuvres to the extent that bodies, skies and landscapes merge into a transcendent fusion, where corporeal presence blends with the intangible. With a rich and deep colour palette, Williams infuses an interplay between the seen and the unseen, echoing the delicate balance between the presence and absence of the body on the canvas. Emphasizing drapery, serving as an aesthetic testament to the artistic lineage preceding her, acts as a tactile reminder of this intriguing duality—a trace of presence, whether physical or divine. In Williams' paintings, the idyllic Southern Californian landscapes undergo a remarkable transformation, becoming depictions of psychological states, memories, and emotional connections. Williams employs anthropomorphic forms as conduits for her exploration of race and gender, placing self-representation at the centre of her practice. These elements serve as contemplative reflections on self-representation and the profound portrayal of female experience as a Black individual.