Magali Reus
Dearest (Short the Electric), 2018
milled and powder coated aluminium and steel, hex nuts and bolts, fiberglass and polyester resin, pigments, milled and sprayed model board, c-type print, etched acrylic, engraved aluminium
218 x 126 x 90cm
About Magali Reus
Magali Reus produces sculptures by assembling common objects, such as no-parking signs or locks, into brand new and unfamiliar forms. Although she is attuned to the physical world, Reus avoids using pre-existing objects and instead meticulously fabricates each component of her sculptures using a combination of traditional and modern techniques. Working in series, she explores and expands upon the cultural and physical properties of these objects, forging connections between the sculptures and their physicality. Manipulating colours, materials, textures, and shapes, Reus disrupts typical associations and employs a mixture of digital design and traditional sculpting techniques that involve various materials like aluminum, steel, and resin. This process of abstraction enables alternative associations to form, giving her sculptures a surreal and otherworldly quality. Reus characterizes her sculptures as "unreal things" that could easily fit within either a computer-generated realm or a Surrealist composition.