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Amanda Ross-Ho

Untitled Crisis Actor (Restless unsettled Cries inconsolably), 2018

canvas, fleece, burlap, polyester pro-brite mesh, patent leather, felt, batting, thread, safety pins
148 x 142cm
About Amanda Ross-Ho
Amanda Ross-Ho works across painting, sculpture, photography, and drawing and these varied components of her practice regularly gather within her surreal installations. Often blending more utilitarian matter such as polystyrene, sharpie ink or thread with discarded everyday objects such as clothing or receipts, Ross-Ho brings these ephemera together in a deeply observant context— using varying techniques to “conflate or collapse the authentic or the performed from the everyday”. Borrowing from the techniques of the Dadaists and their ready-mades, a wine-soaked piece of notepaper might provide the surface for a silk screen print, or a pair of workwear trousers could spark a series of gigantic sculptures. Uncanny-drawn motifs such as cartoon faces or calligraphic clockfaces continue to surface in varying forms, reincarnated in textiles, photographs or sculptures, building an otherworldly language and oeuvre for Ross-Ho to manoeuvre within. Experimenting with scale and these alternating processes, Ross-Ho is able to extract the bizarre from the seemingly banal, contorting associations to reveal the thin line between artifice and nature in our everyday environments.