Anthony D Green
Absolute Redundancy, 2023
peinture acrylique et encre sur toile
141.1 x 100 x 3cm
About Anthony D Green
Between painting and bas-relief, the recent works of Anthony D. Green demonstrate the artist's fascination with images, their central place in consumer society and their potential for transformation. Diverting the codes of advertising photography and computer graphics, he imposes a distance with the subjects, here from commercial image banks. Made from MDF, spray paint, acrylic paint, printed paper and assembled, they play with volumes and points of view, and disrupt the eye with formal games (shifting, repetition, etc.). The ear, in relief on one of the volumes, then appears as a way out of the influence exerted by the visual regime. Natural bas-reliefs, they are the mediators between the non-visible exterior and an invisible interior, signifying access to something beyond the visible.