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Jacques Perconte

À vol d'oiseau, 2021, 2023

Impression nummériqe 360dpi sur Hahnemühle Photo Rag 308gr
66.7 x 96.8cm
About Jacques Perconte
Defining himself as a visual artist, Jacques Perconte has been a key figure in the French avant-garde film and digital art scenes since the late 1990s. A key focus for Perconte when making work is the landscape, and in his practice, he utilizes a breadth of forms, from linear film for cinematic contexts to generative film for exhibition formats, audiovisual performance, photography, and installation. Inextricable from his work is an examination of our relationship to nature, both in cultural and technical contexts. His work is characterized by a formal universalism, which draws many of its references from art history and the canon of painting, particularly in its treatment of nature as a subject. This universalism results from the connection between the apparent softness and delicacy of nature, contrasted against the technicality of the digital image. Through Perconte’s expert understanding of how to manipulate the encoding and storage technologies of digital video, along with reverse engineering, he constructs enchanting environments and bold, bright fairy tales that are receiving increasing attention both critically and in the realm of popular culture.