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Marie Voignier

Les Affections (Le Pays), 2014

tirage pigmentaire sur papier baryté, encadré
48.8 x 65cm
About Marie Voignier
“There is always a monster hidden in the films of Marie Voignier, a material or theoretical entity that cannot be depicted, an adversary of reason whose deafening rumble affects real situations. This overwhelming subject is systematically off-stage, protagonists. Whether this monster is a "real" fabulous animal hunted in the jungle, colonisation or the totalitarian system, it is only ever evoked remotely and fleetingly. A central but elusive stage phantom. In a sort of devious entomology, Marie Voignier's cinema finally takes a look at looking itself as if the microscope were to turn back and explore the eye that observes through it. Showing that there is no neutrality of observation, her films represent so many critical, sharp but nondirective visions of a state of the world, which remain open to interpretation, relying on a ballistic precision and a poetic imagery.” Guillaume Désanges, "Marie Voignier," in Les cahiers du 19 (L'effet de réel, Fabienne Bal/andras, Marie Voignier), Le 19, CRAC, Montbéliard, September 2016 a utopia that the spectator experiences by proxy and snippets, via the narrative of the (2022) both related to her researches and interviews conducted prior to the making .