Riccardo Baruzzi
Fioritura su finestra, 2022
acrylic on wood, acrylic on paper, watercolour, spray and oil
100 x 80cm
About Riccardo Baruzzi
The research of Riccardo Baruzzi is structured around the physical and poetic principles of drawing and sound. Rhythm and the movement of drawn strokes, the resilience of a surface, the pain in a muscle, the sound and sign produced by the falling of a body: every element that connects the limbs
and the tools of the artist to the canvas or the paper has a value in Riccardo Baruzzi’s work.
The artist born in Lugo in 1976 paints drawings and draws paintings
to reveal the origin of images, tracing back to the essence as signs. In this operation of analysis and subsequent synthesis of the hidden structure of things, at times Riccardo Baruzzi involves the human element: the artist’s performance works call for the participation of art students, collectors, gallerists, assigned a role of interaction with the display of the painting or the very moment of its creation.
Flowers, pornography, madonnas, tackles, horses, divinities, abaci
all encounter their semantic and pictorial sublimation in a universe of semitransparent canvases, invented brushes, pencils five meters long, perfect cacophonies and deceptive euphonies, boxes that tremble, turntables and cooling fans that rotate to generate polyrhythms in the widest range of timbres.