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Christian Bendayán

Indios Antropófago, 2019

oil on aluminium
300 x 500cm
About Christian Bendayán
Self-taught arIst. His work has decidedly contributed to consolidate the presence of Amazonian values and aestheIcs in Peruvian culture. His solo exhibiIon "Indios Antropófagos" represented Peru at the 58th Venice Biennale, 2019. He has taken part in the biennials of Mercosur (2001), Valencia (2007), Sao Paulo (2005), and CuriIba (2011), and the Triennial of Chile (2009). He received the First NaIonal Award in Vissual Arts called “Pasaporte para un arIsta” (Passport for an arIst) (Lima, 2001), the “Luces” Award by El Comercio to the Best solo exhibiIon (Lima, 2007), and the NaIonal Culture Award (Peru, 2012). He was the Director of the NaIonal Culture InsItute (INC) of Loreto in 2010. He has published important books and curated renowned Amazonian Art shows in Iquitos, Lima and abroad. He was founding member and the Art Director of the Art Lima InternaIonal Fair (2013 – 2016). He is the founder and Director of “Bufeo. Amazonía + Arte”. MOST IMPORTANT SOLO SHOWS 2023 “Transamazonia”, Center of Contemporary Art Wilfredo Lam, La Habana, Cuba. 2022 "Purge”, MUSA – Museum of Arts University of Guadalajara, Mexico. 2019 “Anthropophagous Indians”, Venice Biennale, L’Arssenale, Venice, Italy. 2015 “Backwards”, Gonzáles y Gonzáles Gallery, Callao, Peru. 2012 “Devil’s Paradise”, Municipality of Miraflores, Lima, Peru. 2009 “Sirens”, Nkisi Project Gallert, Miami, USA. 2007 “XXXIII”, Municipality of Miraflores, Lima, Peru. MOST IMPORTANT COLLECTIVE SHOWS 2019 “Amazonias”, Matadero Cultural Center, Madrid, Spain. 2018 “Remember the sleeping soul. The soulful struggle in the Peruvian video art of the new millennium”, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France. 2017 “Next stop. Peruvian arIsts in the Hochschild CollecIon”, Sala Alcalá, Madrid, Spain. 2011 “6th Vento Sul, CuriIba Biennal, Andrade Muricy House, Brazil. 2012 “Art on the go”, Contemporary CollecIon of the Museum of Art of Lima (MALI), Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, Brazil. 2009 Chilean Triennial, Museum of Contemporary Art of SanIago, SanIago de Chile, Chile 2007 Sao Paulo Biennal, Valencia, Encounter between two seas, Valencia, Spain. 2007 “The Cholo in Peru: Racism, miscegenaIon and violence”, NaIonal Library of Peru, Lima, Peru. WARDS AND HONORS 2023 LLAMA Special Award as co-curator of the exhibiIon “Rivers can exist without water but not without shores” Given by: AssociaIon of Curators of Peru. 2022 ArIst represenIng Peru as guest of honor country at The “InternaIonal Book Fair of Guadalajara – México” Given by: PROM PERU. 2018 ArIst chosen to represent Peru at the 58th Venice Biennale Given by: Patronato Cultural del Perú 2016 INFOARTES Award for the Amazonistas editorial project. Given by: Ministry of Culture of Peru 2015 In contribuIon to the strengthening of Biodiversity in the Peruvian Amazon Given by: Congress of the Republic of PeruImaginarios Contemporáneos”, MALI Museo de arte de Lima, Peru 2016 RecogniIon from the Municipality of Maynas for promoIng the development of tourism in the Peruvian Amazon and the city of Iquitos through culture and gastronomy Given by: Municipality of Maynas – Loreto 2012 NaIonal Culture Award in the "CreaIvity" category Given by: Ministry of Culture of Peru 2011 Civic Medal of the city of Iquitos, in recogniIon of his contribuIon to culture. Given by: Municipality of Maynas – Loreto 2007 Luces Award in the category of "Best Individual ExhibiIon" Given by: El Comercio – Lima 2000 First NaIonal Award in Vissual Arts “Pasaporte para un arIsta” (Passport for an arIst) Given by: French Embassy in Peru