Santiago Evans Canales
Estoy Dormido, 2023
oil on canvas
38 x 46cm
About Santiago Evans Canales
Pareidolia* is always the origin point for Santiago’s works. In his latest series, colour becomes the foundation for form, space, mood, light and atmosphere in each work. The image is orchestrated through colour in a way that makes it familiar but eary. The pictures that the canvas depicts are quickly digested but create an emotional tension between the viewer and the painting. The relationship is more of a flirtation which you aren’t sure is reciprocated, than an obscenity that removes the “game” from the equation.
Pareidolia, is a powerful tool for the creation of a painting, the purpose of this last series is for the viewer to have room to also use this tool themselves.
*Pareidolia. is the tendency for perception to impose a meaningful interpretation on a nebulous stimulus, usually visual, so that one sees an object, pattern, or meaning where there is none.