Carolina Caycedo
Turning Lucks, 2022
artisanal hand-dyed cast net, rabbit fur, horse shoe, steel, acrylic paint, hemp cord, lead weights
218.44 x 78.74 x 78.74cm
About Carolina Caycedo
Carolina Caycedo (1978, lives in Los Angeles) was born in London to Colombian parents. She transcends institutional spaces to work in the social realm, where she participates in movements of territorial resistance, solidarity economies, and housing as a human right. Carolina’s artistic practise has a collective dimension to it in which performances, drawings, photographs and videos are not just an end result, but rather part of the artist’s process of research and acting. Through work that investigates relationships of movement, assimilation and resistance, representation and control, she addresses contexts, groups and communities that are affected by developmental projects, like the construction of dams, the privatization of water, and its consequences on riverside communities.