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Marguerite Humeau

Orisons (past and future rainmaking songs and dances, thunderbirds flapping their wings, the ghosts of sandhill cranes who don’t come anymore), 2022

pigment and charcoal on paper frame: wax, resin and wood
147.5 x 207 x 6cm
About Marguerite Humeau
Marguerite Humeau’s artistic practice is concerned with imagining and ‘prototyping worlds that are invisible or extinct, or parallel to ours. They might exist, but we don’t really know about them.’ The artist’s speculative fictions are formed by uncovering forms and ideas that have been forgotten or lost, that have fallen off the map throughout history. Humeau’s is a practice of seeking to comprehend; ‘[the worlds] are based on mysteries that I am trying to understand. I am extracting real things, and then expanding into “what if?” scenarios.’ Humeau’s process of research and investigation has led her to collaborations with anthropologists, historians, scientists, explorers, linguists, engineers, palaeontologists and zoologists and, in order to hold a broader understanding of knowledge, she has recently learned from the marginal voices of foragers and oral historians. The outcomes of Humeau’s work are mainly presented sculpturally; vast, extra-terrestrial, extratemporal forms rendered in ghostly white with synthetic materials such as polystyrene, latex and silicone. Written by Goldsmiths CCA