Marcus Coates
Nature Calendar: 14 June, 2022
silkscreen print on somerset satin
162 x 110 x 5cm
About Marcus Coates
Marcus Coates was born in 1968 in London, UK. Coates lives and works in London. By exploring the lived realities of people, animals and nature, Coates attempts to understand how we relate to each other and the world around us. Coates re-enacts states of being - a process of radical empathy - to question what it means to be alive now, our history and future. His motivation is to create, examine and critique relational tools. Sometimes, these explorations move beyond the limits of conventional language. Coates’ approach is often functional with a social and ecological impact in mind. He works collaboratively, bringing in members of the public, individuals, organisations and institutions, as well as experts from a wide range of disciplines. These include: anthropologists, ornithologists, wildlife sound recordists, choreographers, politicians, psychiatrists, palliative care consultants, musicians and primatologists. Together with Coates, they seek answers to questions about humanity, the natural world and the cross overs between them. He exposes the disconnects within us and the societies we have created. New ways of relating are proposed and put into practice.