Andrés Barón
El diablo / Dos lunas 1/4, 2023
film 16mm transféré sur fichier numérique, écran raspberry pi-4, câbles.
About Andrés Barón
Andrés Barón works across film, video, and photography to explore spaces of representation, considering the ways in which images are reconfigured by screens and networks. He concentrates on creating work which can circulate across forms and representations. Throughout his work, he makes space for the breadth of possibility of movement, gesture, body language, and the way that bodies form tactile relationships with imagery. His images are frequently drawn from popular culture and the everyday. Barón’s films are spaces of significant ambiguity, often shown on frontal or circular forms, with striking artificiality and a lack of narration. His filmed subjects are self-aware of their context, the ways in which they are represented, and the codes that animate them. His body of work takes influence from, and is built from research around, 1970s experimental film and video. Provoking contemporary questions about genre fluidity, Baron reinvents historically formal strategies drawn from the highly influential decade of filmic media that is the 1970s.