8 Artists To Watch In 2024

8 Artists To Watch In 2024


In the ever-changing world of contemporary art, we’ve compiled a list of artists we believe will make an impact in 2024. These artists come from diverse backgrounds and offer a unique perspective and immense creativity. From Sandra Gamarra, who represented Spain at the Venice Biennale, and other participants in the Venice Biennale like Trevor Yeung and Koo Jeong A, to Alex Foxton, Gaëlle Choisne, Berenice Olmedo, Sara Flores, and Jesse Darling, who have been prominently featured in both institutional and gallery art scenes in recent months, these artists are on our radar for the contemporary art scene in 2024.

Sandra Gamarra

Sandra Gamarra is a Peruvian artist exploring cultural production as a balanced construction. She will represent Spain at the Venice Biennale.

Alex Foxton

With a solo show at Galerie Derouillon, Alex Foxton’s paintings deconstruct traditional images of masculinity, revealing their complexity and ambiguity.

Gaëlle Choisne​

Gaëlle Choisne’s multidisciplinary practice explores the chaos and disorder within the world, addressing themes such as natural disasters and the remnants of colonialism.

Sara Flores

Sara Flores’ paintings blend technical accuracy with Shipibo-Conibo ritual practices and the cultural resilience of her people against colonial forces.

Koo Jeong A

Koo Jeong A is a South Korean-born mixed-media and installation artist who will represent South Korea at the Venice Biennale.

Berenice Olmedo

Mexican artist Berenice Olmedo explores themes of disability, illness, and care through sculptures and kinetic objects that integrate prostheses and orthotics.

Trevor Yeung

Trevor Yeung delves into closed systems, using artfully arranged elements to explore artificiality and human relations with delicacy and irony. He will represent Hong Kong at the upcoming Venice Biennale.

Jesse Darling

Jesse Darling, the winner of the 2023 Turner Prize, explores the social and political influence on the human body by contextualizing objects to promote care and healing.